Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Troy was attacked by dogs. He died. Unfortunately, Din had left the gate open while grabbing ourselves dinner. I was having a shower. Troy's pelvic was broken into four pieces when we found him, hence running was a bit difficult. It was a tragic death and it breaks my heart. Troy was a good cat. Though I often called him 'bodoh', he was actually smart. Very smart. I shall miss him.


Anonymous said...

Sedihnya read the news. I was told by Din...so sorry to hear about that...tak boleh nak tulis lagi..nak nangis jugak...ross

all jazzed up said...

my heartfelt condolences. i've never had a cat i could call my own although my sister has a few really gorgeous ones.

*hugs to you and pak sudin and the rest of your lovelies*

Anonymous said...

when he shall die , take him and cut him a lil stars , n he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun ... hugs ..