Monday, June 02, 2008


Going to work in uniform means you don't have to crack your head on what to wear the next day. Unfortunately, it also means that if you want to do some gallivanting right after work, you have to change. Most of the time in order to save time, we change in the car. This is what we usually call the "SUPERMAN". Example of a complete sentence would normally sound like this : "I will SUPERMAN later" or "I SUPERMANed".

Unlike other famous superheroes, Superman also change in a confine area. The only difference is that we obviously have no superhero powers and we don't change as fast as Superman who already has his superhero outfit underneath his clothes.

However, I must admit that I am really good at SUPERMANing. I have also SUPERMANed during the day...... many times. Anyway, if you plan to SUPERMAN, there are precautions to be taken.

#1 : pray that your friend is not coming in a Kancil or any similar cute cars...

#2 : SUPERMAN only with those who really knows you...

#3 : make sure your friend is not easily shocked. I mean it's okey if you're slim and that your skin is super fair and flawless.... those with "tyres to spare" and have loads of "coins" maybe should consider something else... hahahahahahahaha.... I only SUPERMAN with Din and my girlfriends. They were already "SHOCKED" by me before I SUPERMAN with them....


Anonymous said...

I am Suparman-ly shocked. Eh, marah si Rubiah.

wanshana said...

Hmmmm...I will definitely use this term "SUPERMAN" from now on. Not that I or hubby normally superman ourselves in the car or kawasan-kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya, but more because our kids ALWAYS do that, especially when they have back-to-back lessons to go to - chess => dancing => swimming (not necessarily in that order) all the time. "SUPERMAN" in a Kancil, or Kembara (which I drive) is a definite NO-NO for the kids. They only do a Superman in their Ayah's NAZA :)

Spena said...

Once si Dalie 'SUPERMANed' in her car while I had to drive. From office attire to sports attire - complete with undies. I got shocked and panic- incase somebody could see and suspect something else ;-)

aiz said...

sd, itu baru superman... i have not elaborate on batmannig and spidermanning.... if only you knew what wolverine-ing is...... SHOCKED!!!

KAK SHANA, time is money.... btw, i ve supermanned in a kancil... berpeluh-peluh!

aiz said...

spena, u should try this superman thingy... kelakar giler... by the way, in ur case kan kena keta besar sbb awak kan panjang....

dillazag said...

ahh... done numerous superman-ning before... at night and even daytime.. i usually do it at backseat and crouching down at the leg compartment. ups the complexity factor. hah hah..