Friday, June 15, 2007


About five years ago, a friend who got married was furious when some of whom he invited did not turn up on his wedding day. He made a big fuss out of it and stressed on the R.S.V.P. which was neatly printed on his wedding card. That was when I discovered that to respond to an RSVP is very important. It actually make sense because hosts would not put RSVP if they don't want us to respond to an RSVP.

Just what does RSVP means? It is a short form for Répondez s'il-vous-plaît or Réservez s'il-vous-plaît, a French phrase that translates to "Please respond"

This RSVP thingy had been on my head for three weeks now for I just could not understand why people are so bad at responding. Merely any excuses are not excepted BECAUSE thanks to technology, we have ways to communicate.

It bothered me so much, that I looked it up and found that RSVP is also Response Shall Verify Presence in English. Ahhhhh......that explains better than French. Which means, if they don't respond, they are not coming right?
There are people who don't respond and turn up. Or when they do respond, they respond at the very last minute when all the preparations are done. To make matters worst, they'll bring someone along. la la la la la .....

Some don't respond and decided to come with a phone call on D Day, only to find that the host can't accommodate their request and it ended up with a misunderstanding.

You see, a supposedly well organized party can be messy if we still don't understand and comply to any invitations. So, when it says RSVP, we respond please and when it says dress naked, we come naked please, please, please......

Bali - RSVP required...

lima puluh satu - RSVP not required
errr.... sommmmetimes...

1 comment:

husni said...

thank you for high lighting rsvp. tension wor...