Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Sick of the stale bread for breakfast, the daily potatoes and other typical english food, Princess decided to cook for us. Before leaving for Tesco, she said " Aiz, P nak pegi Tesco, Aiz tolong masakkan nasi...." with that she gave me some other instructions I have to follow in preparing the rice. I gave her a horrified look and soon she turned to Dengong and started to brief Dengong instead.

Yesterday, I went out with Princess. I guess my horrified look in Billingham still haunts her that made her ask me a question. "Aiz memang tak reti masak ye?"... I explained in all honesty that I don't fancy cooking that much but however I can cook simple stuffs. Then she went "oooowhhhhh!" and continued.... "owhhh, Aiz tak suka masak tapi Aiz rajin berkemaskan....(a statement/question)" There was a long silence before she changed the subject....

Princess- the best team mate one could ever asked for.
princess (who cooked and cleaned for us), dengong ( my 21 year old partner in crime ), amji (our witty man) and I (who only did silly fun stuffs with dengong and amji)


rainmaker said...

awak dah lama tak masak masak leee...when is e next get together at ur place? haha

IBU said...


Samalah kita, tak pandai masak...
HI 5!!

Anonymous said...

Kekekek...DENGONG? Kalau kena berbotol lagi berdengong dia...

the principal said...

Sia-sia belajar Sains Rumahtangga for 3 years; langsung tak dipraktikkan...Puan Aminah mesti sedih...

aiz said...

aku Pn rosnani lah... well if u must know, pn rosnani had extra special classes for me, for not knowing how to cook....

kelas melaram..... btw my fren, siapa kah gerangan yg bercelana pendek menumbuk sambal di bulan ramadhan tiga ke empat tahun lalu... hahahahahaha...

ibu, give me ten lah!

tggu hangpa balik lah nanti...