I am supposed to wake up in five hours. What wake up? I haven't slept and I so have to. But going back to my room makes me feel lonely. Ntahapaapantah. Tomorrow, it'll be my 18th year with the same company.... What have I gained besides my unmanagable weight????
stress lagi.....
dun even wanna think about it.
I can't wait to be home...
I have to be ready in 5 hours... i better get some sleep, put on the falsies and flutter them thru the journey home.....
NAK BALIK!!!!!!!!!!
dah 18 years ek... huh... lama tu... heheheh..
ish, kalau beranak dah habis SPM anak you... 18 years! anyway, come back la. i'm getting bored oredi.
aiz, meet up this weekend ek? kita pun bosan kat sini...mkn tak best,org tak best,tempat ok ok ja,barang mahal....
Haaaa..lain kali kalu if cannot sleep, call me. I'm buying a 6-men tent to pitch outside Jazzy's place.
I still wanna eat her meaty buns...I mean the burgers la.
what have u gained??
we met each other!
....ok, now that we've met each other since like 10 yrs ago we better think of a plan to leave the company la kot
glowing man
nab, yup that long... from know nuts about lipstick to an expert about falsies....
jz,ya lar... i shud have gotten married when i started working eh. make babies and by now my children can pass as my younger siblings.... and miss the whole kind of fun and fantastic experiences that made me who i am today?????? NOT!
ALEH, AWAK ADE SEBAB!!!!! dah ada dah...
budak kecik tu punya pun ada gak!
sd, no number, no address remember? i was thinking about her burgers all the time i was there. cis, ini gara2 ad burger king la ni....
rm, nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... hehehe like jz, i pun ada motif lain!!!! hahahahahahahahaha bag bag bag bag!
glwg man, yup we met each other and couldn't be more thankful....
let's leave.....
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