Tuesday, February 05, 2008

old n wise

My knees are still in pain. Going to the masseuse is a good option but I just can't find the time. There are loads to do. Besides 'tired' has become my middle name. Resting my legs, elevate them while sleeping has done a lil bit of justice. Still, I have to get my knees fixed. After all, I need them for the coming performance.

The truth, I did see a masseuse last month. I only had one meeting with her when I should have at least three meetings in a row. Well, as I said... I've no time or probably that is merely an excuse because..... during the session I had with her she did say 'selalunya, orang-orang tua je yang sakit lutut......'

So, how could I see her again?

She might realise that I am the orang tua already..........


all jazzed up said...

Darling, maybe you should think of a change in profession? You're on your feet most of the time kan?

aiz said...

i know.... but i am in my comfort zone already lah.....