Saturday, October 13, 2007

iklan di malam raya....

While watching the telly during the recent raya eve, Din and I concentrated on the advertisement by Petronas. The one about “Burung Murai”. It was touching that as a ritual, we would both look at each other once any interestingly emotional ad is over.. We laughed. Din’s eyes were red and I had tears welled up in my eyes.

Then Din made his version of the ad.

Son “burung apa tu abah?”
Dad “ burung murai….”
Son “burung apa tu abah?”
Dad “burung murai….”
Son “burung apa bah?”
Dad “burung murai lah, kan dah bagitau tadi… berapa kali nak tanya???? Ish!!!!!!! Budak ni… bodoh tul…..”


Anonymous said...


sorry. i just have to laugh.

oh. and selamat hari raya. nak duit raya!

aiz said...

hehehe... selamat hari raya to you too.... just came back home from kg.... BORING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

apa yg boring?

poor you.

aiz said...

boring sbb kena keje and uni sgt KETATTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


mungkin hullahoop dapat membantu?

mungkin je la ek.
