the other lady "ni?"
the whispering lady " lah, yang ini...."
the other lady " kenalllllllll......"
the other lady "kannnnnnnnnn..... kau rasa dia perasan aku tak?"
mamat's bubble " handsome nya aku ni... aku rasa minah 2 ekor tu pun tahu aku handsome..."
minah's bubble " eish, mamat ni mesti perasan handsome... handsome ke muka macam tu???"
a typical event that always happen to my collegues and I is that you have a terribly good set of collegues on a very short trip. It happened to me twice in a row.... sigh! it was like we did not have enough time to have fun. and so we ended making up for it on the way home. the "mamat" was sporting enough to play along with us..... and photos posted are with their permission...
the other lady, mamat and minah,
mother got to know that you guys waited for mother for a good ten mins. biasalah minah yang bagitau. mother would like to apologise for not being there for a proper good bye and thank you.
mother so sorry....k. mother got caught up with an interesting conversation with an old friend lah...
again mother apologise ok. you guys take care.
hi akbar!!
husni, we don't drop names y'know... hang nak akhbar apa? bahasa melayu ka jawi ka inggeris ka mandarin ka????
ha? cakap! cakap! hang nak yang mana?????
miza, kami lawak ja nor.... jgn amik hati ah....
sowie... ok lah u akbar kan i je lah
ok... nanti bila i jumpa you, i AKBHAR kan you cukup cukup k.....
aiz..topic hensem ni i like...
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