Thursday, May 24, 2007


I've just celebrated my 35Th birthday. It was quiet. Jet lagged, tired I slept throughout the day that was supposed to be solely mine. It, however began with a surprise birthday gift from a customer who thought I was still a very young lady. That complement was the best birthday gift ever. The Midnight Fantasy perfume that came much later after the complement was a bonus. The double bonus was that the perfume is by Britney Spears (she's weird but i like her anyway).

My text messages were filled with birthday wishes. Ex house-mate, one female best friend, one best friend's sister who happens to share the same birth date wit me, two unknown numbers, a few from ex schoolmates, one recorded birthday song by a sister, one by my youngest brother and that was all.

Though the birthday wishes were enough for me, I was disturbed that my best friend did not remember my birthday even after talking to him. The fact that his sister shares the same birth date with me, made me even more disturbed. So after the phone call, I text to remind him to wish his sister a happy birthday and turned my cell into a silent mode.

As I had guessed, he called and called again and finally sent me a colourful text birthday wishes. To my surprised, at practically the same time text messages came in from our common friends. A thank you template was sent to all.

Well the thing is there are only a handful of people I expect to get wishes from. Important people in my life. Having to know the effort made by anyone of them when it comes to a special someone in their lives makes you know where you stand. The reality hurts and it's no body's fault but your own. Never witnessing my mother remembering any one's birthday made it OK not to receive any wishes from her.

Anyway, it was a day to remember and I presume it should be the week to remember as I have not stopped celebrating. I will stop when I feel like it.

So, thank you all for the kind wishes and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all, may your wishes come true and you find great happiness in your life. Amin.


Ross said...

let me be no. one to comment Aiz...sajer aku nak jadi batu api...Si Husni tu memang macam tu birthday hang bukan dia nak ingat kalau birthday si DIA tu ka...or even si DIA buat apa kat dia tu semua mesti super....

aiz said...

I guess semua org ada turn masing masing to be on cloud nine. masa aku dah lepas, so kasi chan lah... Ikut kedegilan, aku tak nak faham tapi ikut kebijaksanaan, aku faham.... well like i said, turn depa to be on cloud nine. mana tau kang turn hang pulak.... ntah ntah blog aku pun dah tak visit dah...................

Anonymous said...

jahat tau ross...tak baik
betul2 aku terlupa despite reminding myself not to forget 1 week earlier.
my mind still tired n recovering from gallery show yg hampir2 turn into disaster, aiz love me n she understand..

Anonymous said...

husni selfish, teramat

aiz said...

siapa anonymous ni......??? knowing where you stand doesn't mean it's always bad y'know......

tapi ni lah kawan2 aku, kaki cerita, batu api,kaki kutuk, kaki joget, kaki karaoke, kaki melaram dan suka kalau org buat silap... tu pasal aku kawan dgn depa semua.... sebab mulut je jahat..... hati? baik baik!

hahahahahahahahah you guys never fail to make my day....

Anonymous said...

you know whos he biggest selfish?

aries men.


Anonymous said...

i setuju sgt2!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Aiz

aiz said...


Nefertiti, thank you.... thank you...

Mous, Husni,
Aries men are selfish? Emmmmmmmmm, that's new......... Because I thought all of us are!!!!! Isn't it all about us? Like ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!! Tak ke?

Anonymous said...

maybe it was about ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!

but I can assure you this,

aries man's ME ME ME ME ME tu lagi banyak and with a wayyy bigger font. bold some more.


aiz said...

Mous, LOL!

Ross said...

Aries people are very reasonable, practical and straight to the point. sebab tu dilahirkan jadi leader...not like someone...selfish fikir dia aje yg betul...hari hari nak peluk cium...hari2 nak org belai (betulkan Husni...???)

Anonymous said...

libra n gemini are just hopelessly romantic...what to do

aiz said...

eh eh husni, remember this is war between libra and aries ah.... nothing to do with gemini. LOL!
typical........ mesti nak libatkan org lain....

but then again, Ross, best apa kalau kena belai hari hari... peluk cium hari hari....

Those are the reasons as to why, I am always not keen to go out when Din is around....

But but but but but, I also know of an Aries person who loves doing the same. Maybe it's not so much on being an Aries or Libra or etc etc... It's just who we are... tak ke?
emmmmmmmmm ( ponder,ponder! )

Anonymous said...

i ada byk points utk kita sama2 kupas dan ponder upon, tapi toilet memanggil2 pula.


aiz said...

haiya mous, i can't wait ohhh....

husni said...

me too....lamanya pi tandas mous ni.......

Anonymous said...

i think i should rephrase what i wrote;

aries men are not selfish, they're self-centered.

they only think about them, and only themselves.

if i could avoid getting my hands dirty, why shouldn't I?

a friend's in trouble, and have been asking for help from friends, including an aries man. arien man would say - "it's ok if i don't help him, there are other ppl who will."

or, "i will help him this time, cause next week i'm gonna ask him for a same thing"

yes, these are aries men in general, mind you.

it's fine if you think there's nothing wrong with the above, but it matters for some people. apart from the 24hours peluk cium and belai2 lah kan? :P

a great leader they are, but not the best. there are other ways, nicer and better ways to reach something, kan?

p/s: sembelit. lol