Friday, July 28, 2006

ini family saya.....

I met a colleague recently and she complimented on my house. Before I could ask her further she explained that she had shared a transportation to work with Din... All I could only say at that time were the AHHS and the OHHS and not forgetting the THANK YOUs. She said she asked Din who is he staying with. Din answered "saya tinggal dengan family".... We both laughed at his remarks for we both knew that I have no children yet.

In the car, I told Din about the conversation that had transpired. I laughed and asked him why did he say he is staying with his family when the most appropriate answer would be that he is staying with his wife.

and he answered......

and i felt like crying......


Ross said...

hang memang terror la...aku teruja

zaza said...

din is soooooo sweet .. that's it la!

husni said...

kita terkesima!!! ( tanya ross apa makna)

aiz said...