Friday, January 18, 2008

"I couldn't be better"

All of us react differently when we are heart broken. Most of us cry when we pour out our feelings to certain people. It could be a close friend or probably a stranger whom we've just met. Some of us cry ourselves to sleep or when we are alone, put on a brave face when it's time to greet the day. Some of us prefer to bottle up our feelings and pretend that nothing had happen and some idiotic ones would cry, cut/shave their hair, shop like there's no tomorrow, get themselves drunk and dehydrated, and only to find it was all silly just two weeks from the drama day.

Connie, has never been lucky when it comes to love. Just when she thought she had finally found the right one, they had to say goodbye to a relationship that could probably end up like a fairy tale. They met at a difficult circumstances. There was nothing else to do but to accept their fate.
Connie said that if I love her, I shouldn't ask her questions about the fateful relationship. Matters were never discussed since. I guess the reason she jogs at night now is to produce happy endorphins before she goes to sleep. She's also planning for a short holiday to get her mind off the whole thing. I truly cannot imagine what she is going through. One thing for sure, its really awful to be in her shoes. Though all I could hear Connie said last night was "I couldn't be better" repeatedly.

She still has faith and that was really pleasing to know.


Anonymous said...

life goes on connie...

Anonymous said...

wen u're close to tears remember .. sumday it'll all be over ..
tho u feel it's darker than december .. know tis .. wat lies ahead is a different colour ...
one day .. one day u're gonna laugh ur heart out n find it was all silly .. again .. sigh ..TS!