Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wednesday morning

here's Tomato , often sighted with her curious look
I was woken up by Din coming into the room and poked my body gently. He would normally do it as a joke when he thinks it time for me to wake up but this time it was different. He poked, laughed a little and he sat in front of me. When I opened my eyes he told me what happened when he took a morning walk earlier that morning.

Tomato, our cat had followed him out and upon seeing a neighbor's Persian cat at the corner house she stopped to sniffed her... Din continued walking but stopped when he heard what sounded like stones were thrown.. Much to his dismay, he thought right. The owner was throwing stones at Tomato. Din returned to the scene quickly before he lose the man that was holding the stone and asked him....

" kucing tu (referring to tomato) kencing kat rumah abang ke?"

"kucing ni pregnant"( referring to his Persian cat and obviously did not answer Din's question.)

"ini kucing saya, kucing saya semua spay, neuter, potong" (by the way tomato is a girl, a truly fine one too....)

" ada kucing kuning datang" (still running away from din's first question and obviously was still trying to change the topic)

"kucing yang ada loceng tu ke bang? itu orang depan punya kot"

"ye orang depan punya..." ( and he knew the yellow cat belongs to orang depan)

he was relieved when his saviour arrived.... a stray dog.... and said
" anjing ni kena jaga jaga.. kena beli lastik nih"

Din realised that he was somehow embarrassed and was trying to avoid din to repeat his first
question just nodded. By then Din was not that angry anymore, so he tried to make conversations on cats and asked " kucing abang pregnant ke "

and his answer " tak kucing saya Persian...."

Din left and wish not to be associated with him any longer...

even to the very last question he was not answering Din's question....

Din said to me that he wished to tell him that as an owner to a cat or to a Persian cat rather, it shocked him to see his reactions towards another cat..because as cat lovers we don't do silly things to cats around the world. We simply talk to them. Should they are not welcome, we would tell them so and they would leave and try their luck again the next day...

To be honest it's a tiring routine but then they are merely cats.....


zaza said...

Oh my God.. Din is so sabar. Really! If it was me, I think I would have shouted at that man for throwing stones at Tomato! Evil nyerrrrr

Ross said...

Mak...geramnyer aku...apahal ada evil ni

Patutla Reader's Digest categorised Malaysian as the third lowest in their behaviour...sedih dgn haiwan pun nak buat jenayah...

aiz said...

i know.... geramkan.... zaza, i would have done the same if it was me who took the morning walk....

ross, when i read the headline, i could not agree more with readers' digest!!!

Ross said...


Kalau masa ni ada kucing depan aku kat office ni mau kena gomol...muah...

Anonymous said...

kesian tomato and other poor cats who get same treatment from these stupid people with no brains!!!!

Anonymous said...

we r just human...lyk d majority of ferrari owners who wudnt luk at battered nissans even with n eye. if tomato were a sphynx, d man wud eye her with envious admiration. still he might stone her out of his own ignorance of wht a sphynx is. meow

aiz said...

anonymous.... i agree with you ... the word to use for my neighbour is ignorant... and sadly, i found out from a friend that, that neighbour of mine is a professor.... sigh.... thanks for your kind words.