Friday, March 03, 2006

The mean thing

She 's not perfect. I know so because I've known her for almost 34 years . We have our disagreement over a lot of things. She disagreed on my boy friends. She disagrees on the clothes I wear. She disagrees on the things I buy. She disagrees with my opinion when I know I am right. She refuses to listen to my explanation only to find out that I was right and even then she pretended that she was right. She always claim that she knows what's best which worked when I was still young but when I think I am able to use my own head we always end up arguing.

I always complain that she never understands me. My supposedly "white" wedding didn't turn out as how I wanted it to be. Money was not well spent and I was literally forced to "bersanding". All because that was the last wedding in the family.

going on a holiday with her always end up with a quarrel. Though I told myself that I was never going to another holiday with her, I will find myself sitting next to her in an airplane on the next trip.

my sister found a letter I wrote to my friend saying that I needed to get out of the house because she had become a mean monster. Yup! She was a mean monster and so I thought.

over the years I have beginning to know her better. When I recall all the things she had done for me, I know I could never ever repay her.

recently, I was promoted. It was not easy for me to get it, I had to sit for a test and go through an interview. A test of product knowledge that I took for granted all these years and an interview that begun with a pair of shaky legs and inaudible voice. Somehow, I was confident that I'll get it. There were so many people involved with my being promoted but one thing for sure I thank her the most for she did 'hajat' prayers every night until the results were out.

when I got the good news, I was almost in tears. The hard work during the nerve wrecking week, was well paid off. The first person I called was her, she was too happy that she was speechless and then she just cried...

I believe that this globe trotting job works well with me because of her. She has been very supportive from the very beginning. From getting me my first office attire, first heels and first handbag till my first alarm clock that played a very loud irritating "lambada" when the alarm went off.

we are moving to our new house soon and she helped us whenever we were short of cash.
though she doesn't agree with the interior of the house, she is still very supportive.

she has not seen the complete interior yet and I guess she flipped out...

no matter how I think she never understands me, I must admit that sometimes she does.

after all
the "lambada" alarm clock was a fat cat...
she warms up to all my close friends because she knows I treasure them...
she talks to my cats...
cooks for me...
still buy me clothes that I will wear...

well, that is mother......
with her grandchildren


Ross said...

Kunta...masa sebelum hang kena culik from Africa dulu hang cuim tak tangan mak hang?? touching...nak terkeluaq air deserve the best...ala mak biasala..she love you that all. Aku tau hang 'ketegaq piang'(nak tau maksud tanya husni

zaza said...

u know .. i've hurt my mum many times .. but alhamdulillah she's been so patient and kind .. and despite all that .. i think i'm her favourite ;)

ross, kunta .. tak aci la asyik cakap utagha .. despite being half penang .. cek tak faham la

zaza said...

amboi kunta .. if only i could cakap utagha .. boleh pekenakan hang sedap-sedap.

anyway .. nak dinner at my place .. anytime. perform in front of you lot .. never!!!

aiz said...

ya lah ha...mak memang macam tu kan...

i nak print lah comment kat blog ni hantar kat 'waffle stop'... hehehe (dengki, mcm kunta yg nak call pej agama islam bila aku tidoq kat overseas a.k.a. armanee..).

ahem ahem.... apa ni ross? hang rasa depa tau tak yang ni blog aku??? norah jones lah dinner lah.... silap silap nak ajak pi keluar makan pun thru blog aku..... ( kidding people... )

zaza, piano lessons wud be fun (another reason for another gathering ) ORGAN i tau main, terrer sgt i ni... siapa nak belajar dgn i boleh... mula mula kita start dgn organ tangan....

aiz said...

ross, i beik (baik) lah... malas aje... ketegak piang dakkk ah....

kunta, anak2 buah aku tu semua tu.... come raya, i am always kering.............. tu pun 6 lagi tak dak dlm gambaq.. 1 on the way... comel2? dah tengok dah aunty dia a.k.a. OMMI to them? tak tau? lah mak cik dia yg tak dak anak lagi tu.... dok sebok bela kucing ja...

Ross said...

aku rasa depa dua tu ada scandal tak mau declare kat kita. Depa ingat depa tu sama level dgn Siti and Datuk K....(spt dlm Utusan: "Siti no comment" and Datuk K - "Saya terganggu"...spt org Penang kata.....PIrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

For Zaza & Kunta:
Hello dah ada blog sendirikan...paham2 la...(jgn mare)

aiz said...

zaza & kunta, eh jgn marah ah... gurau aje..

meriah... aku suka...

Ross said...

Aiz, hang bersetongkol dgn kunta nad zaza pulak?...tak aci

aiz said...

tak bersentokol.... takut aku terover je... btw, hang mana? lepas kenduri kahwin, aku & din rushing pi umah shaniza tapi hang tak dak. tgk cite momok..... koma tertido kejap, aku, shaniza, zul dok gelak kat direct translation subtitle yg bongok tu... din tidoq... seperti biasa...